Christmas Is - A website for people who love Christmas 
Christmas Is - a nice website to visit if you love Christmas

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

Christmas Is Coming!

Christmas decorationWhat is Christmas? Christmas is a time for families and friends to come together to celebrate the season with gifts, food, beautiful decorations, laughter and music, to go to Church together, and to enjoy each other's company. Many of our childhood memories revolve around Christmas and the magical colours, lights, smells and excitement associated with it.

I love Christmas! And I love Christmas crafts, Christmas printables, Christmas organising, Christmas recipes, and filling the house with Christmas decorations, Christmas music and Christmas smells! I've tried to pull together what Christmas means to me and my family and collect it all together on this website, so that I can share some of it with you.

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!

 Santa Claus image

NEW at Christmas is Coming:

A delicious (adult) Christmas drink which would make a super gift idea too.
Christmas Pudding Vodka NEW!

Origami Christmas Tree
Even first-time folders will be able to follow the video for this pretty tiered Christmas tree as the techniques are not too difficult - but it is going to take patience! Imagine how pretty a row of these would look, especially using decorative paper...
Origami Christmas Tree 

Crepe paper bag decorations
I enjoyed this video tutorial for making these little crepe paper bag decorations - a good craft to do with the kids, perhaps? I'm wondering whether it would be too much work to make a bag for each day of advent...
Pretty Crepe Paper Bag Decorations To Hang On The Christmas Tree 

Candy Christmas Wreath Video
I've pulled together some great Christmas craft videos here - lots to get us inspired this December!
Christmas Craft Video Round Up 

Homemade Christmas tree decorations
Home-made Christmas Tree Decorations Lots of new inspiration, including a photo gallery with many different ideas to get us thinking...
Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas 

Decorating in Christmas Whimsical Style
I enjoyed these tips about decorating in this red, green and white style.
Decorating in Christmas Whimsical Style 

Decorating with Christmas wreaths
Decorating with Christmas Wreaths 
A gallery of pictures of Christmas wreaths to inspire us to create or display our own this year! 
