Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas
Sometimes you want to do more than buy a roll of wrapping paper and some sticky tape! I've been
collecting gift wrap ideas to inspire here, starting with a look at some more eco-friendly ways of
wrapping Christmas presents. (I've become quite adept at Furoshiki and have enjoyed collecting scarves and
fabric to use in my packing this year.)

Eco-Friendly Wrapping Ideas

Learn all about Furoshiki, and watch and learn how to fold many traditional Christmas presents in this exciting,
sustainable way.
Furoshiki - The Japanese Art of Cloth
 Make your own Christmas boxes to use again and again...
Shoebox Christmas Boxes
 Instead of gift wrap, how about using a length of sumptious organza or similar
cloth in a Christmas colour. Then take a generous amount of wide wired ribbon to keep it in place.
You will be able to use the fabric again each year.